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Setting Annual Goals for Your Team

“Setting Effective Team Goals” In this video, you’ll learn about three different types of goals for your team to set for the new year, but only one of them is effective: behavioral goals. This type of goal is measurable, and it can be managed. Over time, it leads to...

The Aging Job Marketing Pool — Good or Bad?

As scientific discoveries and medical advances are making it possible to live largely healthy, active, and productive lives well beyond the usual retirement age, it’s a fact of life that people are living longer, healthier lives… and working well past their...

How To Ensure Your First-Time Managers are Successful

Having effective, confident leaders is one of the most important factors in creating company success.  For first-time managers, however, finding a leadership style and methods for management that are effective can be difficult.  As a result, many companies find...

Are Your People Analytics Ethical?

For as long as companies have been hiring people, they have been analyzing those people and their performance in their jobs.  It was not until recently, however, that the analysis of people data was given an official name—people analytics. By definition, people...

How To Become a Recovery Friendly Workplace

According to the U.S. Surgeon General, 1 in 7 Americans will face a substance abuse issue at some point during their life ranging from alcoholism to illicit drug addictions and even prescription medication addictions. Unfortunately, despite the commonality of...