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Managers have an essential role in the workplace. Their primary responsibilities include leading the front-line teams and managing the day-to-day functionality of the business. Both of which make a difference in a company’s bottom line. With so much responsibility it is imperative for managers always to make sure they have the most recent and relevant skills.  However, what many managers want to know is how to do that. Here are a few ideas.

  1. Gain an understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses.

Just like an athlete looking to become a star, a manager needs to have an understanding of what they need to practice to become the best. By knowing their strengths and weaknesses, a manager can seek advice or counsel from a trusted colleague or mentor to improve. Furthermore, great managers also know when to keep a task for themselves and when to delegate. Moreover, by gaining an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, they can do just that. 

  1. Develop relationships with employees.

Constant communication is critical when managing any number of employees.  That’s why managers who want to improve should make it their mission to get to know as many employees as possible and communicate with them regularly. Likewise, managers who have relationships with their employees are more likely to receive feedback and information that they can use to improve their effectiveness in their role.  

  1. Access training.

Professional development is vital for any employee who wants to remain relevant in their job, especially managers. Managers should seek out opportunities to improve themselves through leadership development training, continued professional education, or academic training to provide their staff with the best leadership and guidance possible.

  1. Lead by example.

Good managers know how to get results from their employees. Those who lead their employees by example experience more success than those who lead from behind closed curtains and hide their actions from the crowd.  In today’s workforce that requires being present, engaging with employees, and getting involved in the nitty-gritty tasks. 

  1. Take responsibility.

At any level of management, managers hold a certain degree of responsibility for their well-being in their role. Because managers are identified leaders, they are expected to maintain the expertise and skills that earned them the position in the first place.  Therefore, managers who want to keep up in a competitive workforce need to understand that their future is in their own hands and that they are the only ones who can truly ensure their success. 

In the end, managers who want to keep up in a competitive workforce need to understand that, just like any other job, their role requires constant, intentional work.